Payslips - Password Protection


It is possible to allow for payslips to be secured with a password to protect from unauthorised access.

Password Protected Payslips

Password protected payslips are enabled by default for all employees. This password can be changed, sent to the employee and disabled. All of this can be done within Employee Accounts section of Employees.To change or disable password:

  1. Navigate to Employees > Employee Accounts.
  2. Tick the checkbox next to the employee and click Edit Employee under Actions option (you can also use the cog icon on the right side of the table).
  3. Navigate to Payment Details section.
  4. Edit the Payslip Password text box (password needs to be at least 8 characters long).
  5. To disable the password, tick the checkbox “Payslip password not required” (Note that the current password will not be saved upon doing so).

Sending payslips to employees

To send a payslip password to an employee:

  1. Navigate to Employees > Employee Accounts.
  2. Tick the checkbox next to the employee and click Email Payslip Password under Actions.

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