Importing - Employee Hours


Hours worked can be imported into the system with a .csv file, which can be exported from spreadsheet software such as Excel.

Importing Employee Hours

To access the Import Hours page, select Employees Employee Accounts > Run Payroll Import Hours

Select a number of columns: these columns should correspond with the relevant column in your spreadsheet i.e. Row A = 1, Row B = 2 and so on.

Each column represents the following data:

  • Account ID – the ID of the Employee Account, which can be found in the Employees screen
  • Date – the accounting date or end date of the pay period
  • Hours – the total number of hours worked (can be decimal)
  • Pay type – should match the ‘pay types’ set up in the employee record i.e. wages, bonus
  • Works order number – if the hours are the result of a works order
  • Project name – if the employee costs are to be assigned to a project
  • Department name – if the employee costs are to be assigned to a department
  • Customer account code – if the employee’s hours are to be assigned to a customer account
  • Stock code – if the employee hours are to be attached to an order item

If the date field is blank, choose a relevant payroll date using the ‘if blank date’ field.

Choose the file to import and select Import. The employee hours will then be imported into the system.

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