BUDGET Functions
BCE Excel functions are supported from BCE v1.8.0 using local and online editions of Excel.
This section describes the Excel functions which allow you to get budget information.
BCE.BUDGET.CODE (budget_name)
Returns the budget code for the budget name entered.
For example BCE.BUDGET.CODE("2020 Budget") will return BUD-001
BCE.BUDGET.NAME (budget_code)
Returns the budget name for the budget code entered.
For example =BCE.BUDGET.NAME("BUD-001") will return "2020 Budget"
Returns the budget description for the budget code entered.
For example =BCE.BUDGET.DESCRIPTION("BUD-001") will return "This is the budget to be used for 2020"
Returns the financial year of the budget for the budget code entered.
For example =BCE.BUDGET.FINANCIAL_YEAR("BUD-001") will return "2020"
Returns Y or N for the budget code entered depending on whether the budget has been set as a live budget.
For example =BCE.BUDGET.LIVE.STATUS("BUD-001") will return "N"
See Live Budgets for more information.
BCE.BUDGET.TOTAL_VALUE (budget_code, account_code)
Returns the total budget value for all periods in the budget (the total year budget) for the budget code and financial account code entered.
For example BCE.BUDGET.TOTAL_VALUE("BUD-001","MSTKCOST") will return £2,400 as there are 12 periods in budget BUD-001 and each period has a budget value of £200 for financial account code MSTKCOST
Note: The budget value returned will be a positive value as financial account code MSTKCOST is an Expense type account. Revenue type accounts will return negative values.
For Example BCE.BUDGET.TOTAL_VALUE("BUD-001","DEFSAL") will return -£12,000 as there are 12 periods in budget BUD-001 and each period has a budget value of £1,000 for financial account code DEFSAL
BCE.BUDGET.LIVE.TOTAL_VALUE (account_code, year)
Returns the total budget value for all periods in the budget (the total year budget) for the live budget in the specified year for the financial account code entered.
Note: This function provides a method of accessing the live budget without specifying the budget code.
BCE.BUDGET.VALUE (budget_code, account_code, period)
Returns the budget value for the budget code, financial account code and period entered.
For example BCE.BUDGET.VALUE("BUD-001", "MSTKCOST",1) will return £200
BCE.BUDGET.LIVE.VALUE (account_code, year, period)
Returns the live budget value in the specified year for the financial account code and period entered.
Note: This function provides a method of accessing the live budget without specifying the budget code.
BCE.BUDGET.UPDATE (budget_code, account_code, period ,value)
Sets the budget value for the budget code, financial account code and period entered.
For example BCE.BUDGET.UPDATE("BUD-001","MSTKCOST",1,200) will set the budget value for period 1 in budget BUD-001 for the financial account MSTKCOST to £200.